what is a class c share
What Is a Class C Share In comparison, a front-end load carries charges paid when the shares are bought and a back-end load assesses charges when the investor sells shares; and no-load funds contain no commission charges at all, with the fees simply calculated into the net asset value (NAV) of the fund. Class-C mutual fund shares charge a level sales load set as fixed percentage assessed each year. This can be contrasted with front-load shares that charge investors at time of purchase and back-end loads that charge at time of sale. Because the annual fee can compound investor cost over time, this class of fund is best-suited for those looking to hold fund shares for periods of 3 years or less. The Basics of Class C Shares Compared to other mutual fund share classes, class C shares often have lower expense ratios than class B shares. However, they have higher expense ratios than class A shares. Expense ratios are the overall annual management costs of running a mutual ...